Thursday, September 27, 2012

Post Reading Week Four

In my opinion there were not many privileges that stood out to me during the exercise. I experience have more disadvantages than having privileges. For example, when asked to step forward or backward about my race/ethnicity as to the question if my ancestors were forced to move to this country.  I stood still because I was not sure how to respond to that question even though my ancestors were not forced to come to the United States, they willing wanted to come here because it was the land of opppunitiy. Although I did feel we were forced to move here because if did not feel we had enough oppunitites in Mexico than why would we moved to another country? Although question that stood out to me was, did my have family own more than 50 books. I though to more, surprising there or myself who would own 50 books was various people who step forward. I felt a little dumb for not stepping forward because I felt they had a better educational experience than I did. Knowing about structural privilege is important in achieving social justice because this will help you view and know the privilege you and as a whole race. I believe knowing the privileges and disadvantages will open your eyes to exactly what it is white individuals view your race as and you can show them your race is worth more than what they assume. In “Black Girl Dangerous’ blog post about reverse-racism” the list she makes is an accurate representation of ‘reverse racism’ because it justifies what whites have done throughout to other races throughout history. The things on the list make the claim different compared to the affirmative action in reverse racism because the blog states actions white people did to other races whereas the another one talks more about discrimination rather than doing what whites did to others.

word count: 405

Friday, September 14, 2012

Pre-Reading Question Week Two

There are many ethnicities and races in the United State such as African American, Chicano/Hispanic/Latinos, Asian, Chinese, Korean, Cuban, Native American, Pacific Islander, Arab and  Americans. These major ethnicity/races compared to the Census, in my opinion  is not right. The census did not provide a categorize for Mexicans, Arab, Native American, Cuban, etc.  The census did provide various Asian races which I believe is not accurate because there is a minimum amount of Asians that we see today. I think the census has more Asian than other ethnicity/ and races because we trade with China and want to be in good terms and have various choose to chose from when claim citizenship when individuals from China migrate to the United States. When filling out the census i chose (yes, mexican american/chicano) as a place I would categorize myself in. As for the race I would chose white because I am an American citizen.No, I was not able to fill out the check boxes easily because there is no category for Hispanics. This was difficult because the census had more Asian races than any other race. Therefore,I chose white because Americans are consider white. Also, although Arabs are a different race they are force to chose white rather than their race.Yes, the racial and ethnicity  categories that the census put out have an influence on racial and ethnic categories that we see in everyday basis because in my opinion we see more black and mexican than Asian or pacific islander. What was very interesting to me is why the census had more Asian and choses rather than African American and Pacific Islander with a minimum amount. Also, the census did not indicate Hispanic/ Latino was a chose of race.  If  I were to re-do the census I would add Hispanic/Latino, Jewish, Arab, Native American, Cuban, and minimize the  Asian category. In conclusion, there are two major events in which i believe changed the census. One major event was on  September 11, Iraq dictator sent individuals to lose there life and the life's of many Americans by sending two airplanes into the twin towers killing billions of people. This event changed society and the world in just a matter of seconds. As for the census Arabs are now to be categorize as Arab American rather than just Arab. Another event that took place in which the the census was changed was the stoppage of slavery and African Americans were given a chance for independence  rather than being owned by white people.

Word Count:413

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Post-Reading Week Two: What is Race?

Race to me should not separate individuals because the appearance the color of skin you are in. In my opinion there is only one human race not various different categories. A person race is a cultural aspect of the person you are and the environment you grew up in.  Many common racial classifications we use in the United States today are African Americans, Hispanic, Asians, Hawaiian, Filipino, Chinese, and Whites. African Americans are also known as Native Americans, who originate from Africa. Mexicans are known as Latinos, who originate from Mexico or Latin America. ChicanAsians have many classifications such as Filipino, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean. Hawaiians are known as Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islander, and Samoan. Groups who share the same “race” share their cultural together as a union and understand the meaning of what their ancestors sacrificed in coming to the United States or leaving their home land in search of a better future. They also share the same language, skin color, physical features, and some characteristics. Religion in a race is a huge aspect shared in all racial classifications because it give a sense of comfort for a belief. Another common characteristic shared are morals. Racial categorizations vary from society to society because in the United States, we categorize a race to a specific group rather than just assuming they are Americans. In the other countries individuals do not categorize a person to specific race group they accept them for who they are. Ethnicity in my eyes is where a certain person ancestors originated and their beliefs. There are very few differences between race and ethnicity. For example, race is distinguishing characteristics between groups such as the skin on their bodies and cultural background. Whereas ethnicity is the origin of one’s ancestors and their homeland they were born in. I would characterize my race as Hispanic (Mexican) from Mexico. I chose these characterizations because my family migrated to the United States from Mexico. My grandparents came to the United States hoping for a better future. The struggles my family faced in the beginning only knowing Spanish and not an ounce of English. My grandparents started working in the fields to make money, always looking over their shoulder for immigration. I have been mistaken for being a Brazilian or Puerto Rican.  I believe the misunderstandment is because most Latin American ethnicity is very similar.

Word Count: 400 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Post- Reading Reflection Week One: History/ Future of Ethnic Studies

San Francisco State University is home of the rebellish strikers, who fought for a great purpose. There are similar issues between current students and the strikers from the 1968, fairness. Students today are having struggles to attend college right out of high school due to an increase in tuition and CSU not accepting as many students. As tuition increases classes are decreasing making it harder to graduate on time.  Student’s dreams are being put on hold. Just like the strikers students are taking a stand and protesting for fairness and lowing tuition. The 1968 strikers wanted Ethnic Studies to address to offer courses and programs of different culturals and minorities. Rather than being taught just about American History and short stories about there culture and ancestors. I believe every student has the right to learn about their history and how their ancestors came to the United States. Horne, a legislator of HB2281, who opposes ethnic studies, which cause students to learn about their race and struggles rather than just learning of other races than theirs. He believes students will over the government and start a strike. Horne also believes, ethnic studies will divided races.  A 1986 striker would highly disagree with this statement. Students have the right to learn about their race and background rather than just learning short studies of their ancestors past. Throughout my history classes in high school touched only on white history. For example, learning about the American Revolution my whole sophomore year and learning the Declaration of Independence and Constitution my junior year, not one of those years did I learn anything about any other ethnicities who were also effected. Also In my opinion there are many other races rather than just one. Here in the United States studies educate students only on Americas ups and downs throughout history. Horne argument against Ethnic Studies, which he said constantly, was we should not teach students the downsides of history because it would cause students to be oppressed and protest against the government. Dyson arguments favor against Ethnic Studies is that students have the right to learn about not only American history but also other ethnicities and the truths of history through the ups and downs. One major benefit of students taking than ethnic studies class outside of their own heritage would allow students to not only know their heritage struggles but also others struggles, which would also bring students together because what their ancestors faced maybe other ethnicities faced the same as well. I would tell them that ethnic studies are a great way to learn about other cultural and struggles, rather than just going throughout life only knowing Americas background of history.

Word Count: 447